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Colossians 3:23-24, In my own words :
 Whatever I do, I want to work at it with all my heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since I know that I will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ I serve.


We are co-laborers with Christ, so I invite you to work alongside me and help me through prayer.

Thanks so much!




  • Thanksgiving for His artistic gift and the bearing of much Fruit

  • That I may always seek His face, hear His voice and obey His will

  • ​That I exercise self discipline


Right Now

  • Having completed some long term projects, I'm planning for the future. Please pray for me to hear the Lord's direction clearly....and to be disciplined to follow!



  • A large and airy studio space

  • That the work of my hands brings revelation of the Kingdom to many people


The Whole

  • Visual art is only a part of my whole. Please pray for the well-being of my family and for their continued growth in their personal relationship with Jesus


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